Pop Art Canvas

    This was a very tought project, we spent about two to three months doing it. The first thing we should do was having print out a picture of any famouse we want, I choosed Jason Mraz, because I love his songs, and I thought that no one else would paint him. We need a canvas to paint on, pencil to draw before painting, an eraser in case of any mistake, a ruler to measure teh squares in teh canavs and on the picture, and paint with a brush to paint. The goal of this project was to paint like pop-art using famous faces and the respective technique.      
    I began on December to paint, and i finished it on March. It was an awesome projec todo because I did undertand better how did pop art was. My strengthens for this project were the painting of the some details, but my weaknesses was to draw trhe picture excatly in the canvas and also painting the eyes, nose and mouth. I thinks this project really help us to have a better understanding of pop-art and art as itself.

Collage About Me

At the beginning of the year we had our first project, it was doing a collage about ourselves. We can do it on  a piece of paper or in the sketch book. We should use pictures, cut pieces from magazines, draw, paint, put anything that identified ourselves. In my case I used some pictures, stickers, drawings and pieces of magazine. The two picturesof the center represent my family, there´r one picture of me with the school uniform when I was proclaimed with the fifth best avarege grade at the flag ceremony in sixth grade. The goal was to create our own collage with things that best identify how we really are; that´s why I choose all the things that it can be seen in the photo of the left. 
    To be honest there weren´t any problems that I need to faced while doing this collage, so I did´t have any weakness at all. I can said that my strengths were thinking all the things taht I wanted toinclude and also pasting them in order because I really like to do those things. I enjoy doing it, because I realize that through a simple paper I can express all the things that I like, and people could know more about me just by observing it.

Finishing the Picture

    During the fourth partial we were required to cut any picture we want from a magazine, and pasted on a piece of paper. After we did that we should finish the picture doing anything that we like too, and making it with a lot of creativity. The materials we need to do this assigment, were any picture from a magazine, glue, scissors, colors, and anything we want to include on our drawing. The goal was to finish the picture with style and craftmanship. 
    I thinks is one of my best creativity works I have done during this year at art class. I enjoy it doing, because at the beginning I wanted to do a beach on the back and then a woman lay on the sand, but while I was painting I decided that the woman will be turn into a mermaid. Maybe I can said that my strengths was painting the background and doing with style; but my weakness was to decide what I was going to paint. At the end, I like this project because I love things that should be done with creativity; there´s were everyone can express their onw creativity.